Here you will find reviews of events from previous years.
30 Years Czech Mint
Happy Birthday and Congratulations on the 30th anniversary of the Czech Mint 🎂 !
Celebrated with a very special cake delivery by Sack & Kiesselbach this week in Jablonec.
At the same time the new Hashtag TMA-350 was successfully handed over to production.
MDC 2023
Mint Directors Conference 2023 – 15.-18. October 2023
It is quite while back, since the last MDC was hosted 2018 in Korea, Seoul.
The 31st MDC-2020 in South Africa was postponed due to the pandemic.
So we are more then happy to be back for this event in Ottawa hosted this time from the Royal Canadian from 15.-18. October 2023
Our Team is looking forward to meet you in Ottawa.
Siemens Digital Summit
25. July 2023
What a perfect day in Munich today at #SIEMENSDTS23 !!
An honour for me and Sack & Kiesselbach to be selected between major global german industry players in the marked for this event.
Many thanks to #Siemens 😉 – great organisation, great event 👍!
Our processes for #digitalisation are already on their way 🦾🧑🔧.
And I am extremely proud of our team that we were (with our comparatively small enterprise 😇) a part within this event today.
12. – 15. July 2023
Tokyo Big Sight
World Money Fair 2021, #Digital Fair 17th Technical Forum virtual
Rewatch our Presentation from April 29, 2021!
World Money Fair 2020 – Berlin
Sack & Kiesselbach looks back on an extremely successful trade fair in Berlin.
From 30 January to 2 February 2020, visitors experienced a view into the future of modern press design. The fair appearance in 2020 was all about digitalisation.
We presented innovative solutions for developing and producing coins, medals and bars even faster, more individually and in flexible batch sizes. We are setting the standards for the mint of tomorrow.
From a virtual reality application of a modern press system, to various maintenance glases with corresponding digital service interface, up to modern industry 4.0 applications, Sack & Kiesselbach showed many live experiences on the booth.
Alread with our view to South Africa, Cape Town and the upcoming Mint Directors Conference 2020 in April, we again hosted the working group “Automated Coin and Blank Inspection” of the MDC-TC on our booth. In addition, as in 2019, numerous trade visitors from several nations came to our booth on Saturday afternoon to discuss the current status of the work and further tasks in this project and working group.
We would like to thank all visitors who visited us in Berlin at the World Money Fair 2020.
TEMAN 2019 – Singapore
At the Technical Meeting ASEAN in Singapore, the focus was not only on numerous technical presentations for Sack and Kiesselbach, but also on maintaining our contacts and business relations in the Asian region. In many meetings around the conference we were able to take home new ideas and impressions for the necessary innovations of tomorrow.
World Money Fair 2019 – Berlin
Precision in Perfection
Today, proof quality itself is not enough for many of our customers.
With this statement we invited to the World Money Fair 2019 at the beginning of January and were confirmed at the fair.
As in 2018, we presented this year again a press live on the show. This time a Table-Medal-Press TMP-250, combined with a special transfer unit for smallest medals and bars.
Our guests were convinced by the precision of how 0.5g gold plates with a material thickness of only 0.3mm were minted fully automatic.
This year we also took the opportunity to focus on the subject of quality control. In cooperation with the company Induviswe presented the first in-line camera inspection system as an extension and option for our new Table-Medal-Automate TMA-350. Such an inspection unit will soon be installed on a TMA-350 of the Mint of Poland and tested under production conditions.
On Saturday 02nd February, numerous specialists from the coin industry met at the Sack&Kiesselbach booth for a workshop on the subject of camera inspection in the production of medals and bars.The meeting took place in line with the “Automated Coin and Blank Inspection” working group of the MDC-TC (Mintdirectorsconference-Technical Committee). Representatives from Canada, Poland, South Africa, Spain and Germany attended the one-hour workshop. With the results from this meeting and from following working groups, we develop customer-oriented solutions and results, which we will present in South Africa until the Mint Directors’ Conference (MDC) 2020 in Cape Town.

Mint Directors Conference 2018 – Korea, Seol
Imagine the Future Mint – with this slogan the 30th MDC Conference in Seoul from 22. – 26. April die 30th was hedl.
Sack & Kiesselbach is distinguished by World Money Fair Award
We would like to thank all our customers and visitors who made this year’s World Money Fair such a success for us.
For the first time the World Money Fair witnessed a running system, TMA-350 medal press, pressing coins during the fair.
There was a strong echo from the professional audience as well as from the random visitors who gladly took a medal back home with them.
Berlin brought a double success: We were distinguished by the well known World Money Fair Award 2018 for outstanding achievements in the field of numismatics and coin production.
In the context of the Gala-Dinner the organizers of the World Money Fair honored us for our innovative energy.
This honor is an obligation to us: We will continue to advance our coin presses in cooperation with our clients. We are constructing what you need to press the perfect collector or bullion coin.
This link brings you to the laudation of Mr. Albert M. Beck
>> download of the Laudation – Founder and Honorary President of the World Money Fair
>> Press report Münzen & Sammeln 4/2018 (only as German article)